Peer-Reviewed Publications

Research Investigations

1. Shealy CN, Taslitz N, Hochberg FH.
Physiological Standardization of Analgesics and Anesthetics. The Journal Lancet: 88:124-28, 1968.

2. Hattwick MAW, Hochberg F, Landrigan PL and Gregg M.
Skunk-Associated Human Rabies. JAMA 222:44 – 47, 1972.

3. Hochberg F, Fisher CM, and Roberson GH.
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage caused by a rupture of a small superficial artery. Neurology 24:319-21, 1974.

4. Hochberg F, Lehrich J, Arnason BGW.
Recurrent EAE induced by Herpes Simplex Virus Infection. Neurology 12:384, 1974.

5. Hochberg F, Nelson K, and Jansen W.
Influenza Type B-Related Encephalopathy. The 1971 outbreak of Reye syndrome in Chicago. JAMA 231:817-21, 1975.

6. Kistler JP, Hochberg F, Brooks BR, Richardson EP Jr, New PFJ, and Schnur J.
Computerized axial tomography (CT scan): Clinicopathologic Correlation. Neurology 25:201-09, 1975.

7. Hochberg F and Le May M.
Arteriographic correlates of handedness. Neurology 25:218-22, 1975.

8. New PFJ, Scott WR, Schnur JA, Davis KR, Taveras JM and Hochberg F.
Computed tomography (CT) with the EMI Scanner in the diagnosis of primary and metastatic intracranial neoplasms. Radiology 114:75-87, 1975.

9. Feorino PM, Hochberg F, Humphrey D and Chilicote R.
Mononucleosis-associated subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. Lancet 2:530-32, 1975.

10. Martuza RL, Shamberger RC, Phillips JP, Kornblith PL, Dohan FC Jr and Hochberg F.
A lymphocyte-dependent antibody assay for detection of antibodies to human glioma cell. Surgical Forum 26 Cong Amer College of Surgeons, 1975.

11. Lehrich JR, Arnason EG, Hochberg F.
Demyelinative myelopathy in mice induced by the DA virus. J Neurol Sci 29:149-60, 1976.

12.Hochberg F Lehrich JR, Richardson EP Jr, et al.
Mononucleosis-associated subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. Acta Neuropath 34:33-40, 1976.

13. Hochberg F Lehrich JR and Arnason BGW.
Herpes Simplex Infection and Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis. Neurology 27:584-87, 1977.

14. Kilness AW and Hochberg FH.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in a High Selenium Environment. JAMA 237:2843-44, 1977.

15. Hochberg F and Wolfson L.
Discontinuous horizontal SDS acrylamide gel electrophoresis of cerebrospinal fluid. Science Tools 26:44-46, 1979.

16. LeMay M and Hochberg F.
Ventricular differences between hydrostatic hydrocephalus and hydrocephalus ex-vacuo by computed tomography. Neuroradiology 17:191-95, 1979.

17. Hochberg F, Slotnick B.
Neuropsychologic impairment in astrocytoma survivors. Neurology 30:172-77, 1980.

18. Hochberg F and Pruitt A.
Assumptions in the radiotherapy of glioblastoma. Neurology 30:907-11, 1980.

19. Hochberg F, Parker L, Takvorian R, Canellos GP and Zervas NT.
High-dose BCNU with autologous bone marrow rescue for recurrent glioblastoma multiforme. J Neurosurg 54:455-60, 1981.

20. Whitmore E, Hochberg F, Wolfson L, Royalty J and Taft P.
Quantitative Cytocentrifugation in the evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): ACTA Cytologica 26:847-50, 1982.

21. Takvorian R, Parker LM, Hochberg F and Canellos GP.
Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation: Host Effects of High Dose BCNU. Jnl. Clin Oncology 1, No 10, 1983.

22. Ross RR, Kapp JP, Hochberg F and Krull IS.
Solvent Systems for intracarotid BCNU infusion. Journal of Neurosurgery 12(5):512-14, 1983.

23. Krull IS, Ding XD, Selavka C and Hochberg F.
An LCEC method for CIS-platinum anti-cancer drugs. Current Separations, Bioanalytical Systems, Inc. 5(1):14,1983.

24. Hochberg F, Leffert RD, Heller MD and Merriman L.
Hand Difficulties Among Musicians. JAMA 249(14):1849-72, 1983.

25. Hochberg F, Poletti C, Krull IS and Strauss J.
Analysis and Distribution of 1,3-Bis (2 chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) in Biological Specimens. Neurosurgery 13:1303, 1983.

26. Hochberg F, Miller G, Schooley R et al.
Central Nervous System Lymphoma related to Epstein Barr Virus. NEJM 309:745-48, 1983.

27. Krull IS, Ding XD, Braverman S, and Selavaka C, Hochberg F and Sternson LA.
Trace analysis for CIS-platinum anti-cancer drugs via liquid Chromatography-electrochemical detection (LCEC): J Chrom Sci 21:166, 1983.

28. Duffy F, Sandini G, Hochberg F and Burchfiel D.
Tumor detection from topographic maps of long latency evoked potentials: Spatial trajectory analysis and cross correlational analyses. Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, 1984.

29. Hochberg F, Toniolo P and Cole P.
Head Trauma and seizures as risk factors of glioblastoma. Neurology 34(11):1511-14, 1984.

30. Hochberg F, Pruitt Abeck D, DeBrun G and Davis K.
The rationale and methodology for intra-arterial chemotherapy with BCNU as treatment for glioblastoma. J. Neurosurg. 63:876-80,1985.

31. Newmark J and Hochberg F.
Isolated Painless Manual Incoordination in 57 Musicians. J Neuro, Neurosurg, and Psych. 50:291-95. 1987.

32. Hochberg FH, Lavin P, Portney R, Roberts D, Tinney C, Hottleman K, Wanger F, Newmark J, Cavanaugh K and Noonan M.
Topical Therapy of Localized Inflammation in Musicians: A Clinical Evaluation of Aspercreme Versus Placebo. Medical Problems of Performing Artists. Hanley and Belfus, Inc. 3(1):9-18, 1988.

33. Maciewicz R, Chung RY, Strassman A, Hochberg F and Moskowitz M.
Relief of vascular headache with intravenous lidocaine: Clinical observations and a proposed mechanism. Clinical Journal of Pain 4:11-16, 1988.

34. Palmer E, Henrikson B, McKusick K, Strauss HW and Hochberg FH.
Pain as an indicator of bone metastasis. ACTA Radiologica 29:445-49, 1988.

35. Gabbai AA, Hochberg FH and Linggood R.
High dose methotrexate for non-AIDS primary central nervous system lymphoma. J Neurosurg. 70:190-94, (Feb) 1989.

36. Allard JC, Hochberg FH, Franklin PD and Carter AP.
MRI in a Family with Hereditary Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations. Archives of Neurology 46:184-87, 1989.

37. Bashir R, Hochberg FH and Singer RH.
Detection of Epstein-Barr Virus by In Situ Hybridization: Progress Toward Development of a Non-Isotopic Diagnostic Test. Amer. Jnl. Path. 135:1035-1043, 1989.

38. Bashir RM, Harris NL, Hochberg FH and Singer RM.
Detection of Epstein-Barr Virus in CNS Lymphomas by In-Situ Hybridization. Neurology 39:813-17, 1989.

39. Cohen LG, Hallett M, Geller BD and Hochberg FH.
Treatment of Focal Dystonias of the Hand With Botulinum Toxin Injections. Jnl Neurol. Neurosurg Psychiat. 52:355-63, 1989.

40. Bashir R, Freedman A, Harris N, Bain K, Nadler L and Hochberg F.
Immunophenotypic Profile of CNS Lymphoma: A Review of Eighteen Cases. Jnl. Neuro-Oncol. 7(3):249-54, 1989.

41. Hochberg FH, Toniolo P and Cole P.
Nonoccupational Risk Indicators of Glioblastoma in Adults. J Neuro-oncol. 8:55-60, 1990.

42. Loeffler JS, Alexander E III, Hochberg FH et al.
Clinical Patterns of Failure Following Stereotactic Interstitial Irradiation For Malignant Gliomas. Int. Jnl. Rad. Oncol. Biol Phys. 1455-62, 1990.

43. Bashir R, Hochberg FH, Harris NL and Purtilo D.
Variable Expression of EBV Genome as Demonstrated by In-Situ Hybridization in CNS Lymphomas in Immunocompromised Patients. Modern Pathology 3(4):429-34, 1991.

44. Rosen BR, Belliveau JW, Aronen HJ, Kennedy D, Fischman A, Gruber, M, Glass J, Weisskoff RM, Cohen MS, Hochberg FH and Brady TJ.
Susceptibility Contrast Imaging of Cerebral Blood Volume: Human Experience. MR in Medicine 22, 1991.

45. Bashir R, Coakham H and Hochberg FH.
Expression of LFA-1/ICAM-1 in CNS Lymphomas: Possible Mechanism for Lymphoma Homing into the Brain. J. Neuro-Oncol. 12:103-10, 1992.

46. Glass J, Hochberg FH, Gruber ML, Louis DN, Smith D and Rattner B.
The Treatment of Oligodendrogliomas and Mixed Oligodendroglioma-Astrocytomas with PCV Chemotherapy. J. Neurosurg. 76:741-45, 1992.

47. Bashir R, Luka J, Cheloha K, Chamberlain M and Hochberg FH.
Expression of the Epstein-Barr virus genome as demonstrated by in-situ hybridization in central nervous system lymphomas in immunocompromised patients. Neurology 43:2358-62, 1993.

48. Huang CC, Lu C-S, Chu N-S, Hochberg FH, Lilienfeld D, Olanow W and Calne DB.
Progression after Chronic Manganese Exposure. Neurology 43:1479-83, 1993.

49. Brouillet EP, Shinobu L, MacGarvey U, Hochberg FH and Beal MF.
Manganese Injection Into the Rat Striatum Produces Excitotoxic Lesions by Impairing Energy Metabolism. Experimental Neurology 120:89-94, 1993.

50. Aronen HJ, Glass J, Pardo FS, Rosen B, Hochberg FH.
Echo Planar MR Cerebral Blood Volume Mapping of Gliomas. Clinical Uitlity. Acta. Radiol. 36 (5):520-8, 1995

51. Pardo FS, Aronin HJ, Kennedy D, Skates S, Paiva K, Linggood RM, Okunieff P, Schmidt EV, Hochberg FH, Fischman AJ and Rosen BR.
Functional Cerebral Imaging in the Evaluation and Radiotherapeutic Treatment Planning of Patients with Malignant Glioma. Int. Jnl Radiat. Onc. Phys. Biol. 30:663-69, 1994.

52. Glass J, Gruber ML, Cher L and Hochberg FH.
Preirradiation Chemotherapy of primary central nervous system lymphoma: Long term outcome. J. Neurosurg 81:188-95, 1994.

53. Wei MX, Tamiya T, Chase M, Efstathios JB, Chang TKH, Kowall NW, Hochberg FH, Waxman DJ, Breakefield XO, Chiocca EA.
Experimental Tumor in Mice using the Cyclophosphamide-Activating Cytochrome P450 2B1 Gene Human Gene Therapy 5:969-78 1994 also J Cell Biochem Suppl 21A: 428, 1995.

54. Cher LM, Hochberg FH, Teruya J, Nitschke M, Valenzuela R.
Therapy for Paraneoplastic Neurologic Syndromes in Six Patients with Protein A Column Immunoadsorption. Cancer 75:1678-1683, 1995. Also Nitschke M, Hochberg FH and Dropcho E. Opsoclonus-Myoclonus in Small Cell Lung Cancer: Detection of an Autoantibody and Improvement after Protein A Column Immunoadsorption Therapy. NEJM. Letter 1994.

55. Hiesiger EM, Green SB, Shapiro WR, Burger PC, Selker RG, Mahaley MS, Ransohoff J II, VanGilder JC, Mealey J Jr, Robertson JT, Hochberg FH and Young R.
Results of a Randomized Trial Comparing Intra-arterial Cisplatin and Intravenous PCNU for the Treatment of Primary Brain Tumors in Adults: Brain Tumor Cooperative Group Trial 8420A. Jnl Neuro-Oncol. 25:143-54, 1995.

56. Bashir R, Hochberg FH and Wei M.
EB and brain Lymphomas. Jnl Neuro-Onc.24: 195-205, 1996.

57. Bashir R, Chamberlain M, Ruby E, Hochberg FH.
T Cell infiltration of primary CNS Lymphoma. Neurology 46:440-4, 1996

58. Douglas RM, Beatty J, Biggs P, Cosgrove GR, Valenzuela RF,Okunieff P, Hochberg F et al.
Phase I Study of a Miniature X-Ray Source for Interstitial Radiotherapy of Brain Metastases.(Presented ASTRO, Miami,1995) Int. Jnl. Rad. Biol. 36:443-50, 1996

59. Bruening R, Kwong KK, Vevea MJ, Hochberg FH, Cher L, Harsh IV GR, Niemi PT, Weisskoff R and Rosen BR.
Echo-planar MR determination of Relative Cerebral Blood Volume (CBV) in Human Brain Tumors: T1 versus T2-weighting. Am Jnl Neuro-radio. 17:831-40, 1996.

60. Gasser T, Bove C. Ozelius L, Hallett M, Charness M, Hochberg F and Breakefield XO.
Haplotype Analysis in Ashkenazi Jewish Patients with Occupational Hand Dystonia. Movement Disorders 11:163-66, 1996.

61. Alderson L, Fetell M, Sisti M, Hochberg F, Cohen M and Louis D.
Sentinel Lesions in Primary CNS lymphoma. Journal Neurology, Neurosurg, Psychiat. 60:102-5, 1996.

62. Hochberg FH, Miller G, Valenzuela R, McNelis S, Crump S, Covington T, Valdivia G, Hochberg BA and Trustman JW.
Late motor deficits of Chilean manganese miners: A blinded control study. Neurology, 47:788-95, 1996.

63. Glass J, Shustik C, Hochberg FH, Cher L and Gruber ML.
Therapy of primary central nervous system lymphoma with pre-irradiation methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, Vincristine and dexamethasone (MCHOD). Jnl. Neuro-Oncol 30:257-65, 1996.

64. Kim L, Hochberg FH, Thornton AF, Harsh, GR, Patel H, Finkelstein D, Louis D. et al.
Procarbazine, lomustine and vincristine chemotherapy for Grade III and Grade IV oligoastrocytoma. J. Neurosurg. 85: 602-7, 1996.

65. Deshmukh A, Scott J, Palmer E, Hochberg F and Gruber M, Fischman A.
Impact of fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography on the Clinical Managenment of Patients with Glioma. Clin. Nucl. Med. 21:720-5, 1996.

66. Cosgrove R, Hochberg FH, Zervas NT, Pardo FS, Valenzuela R and Chapman P.
Interstitial irradiation of brain tumors using a miniature radiosurgery device: Initial experience. Neurosurg. 40:518-23, 1997.

67. Hochberg FH, Prados M, Russell C.
Treatment of recurrent malignant glioma with BCNU-fluosol and oygen inhalation. A phase I-II study. J Neuro Oncology 32: 45-55, 1997.

68. Cosgrove, G. Rees MD, Hochberg, Fred H. MD, Zervas, Nicholas T. MD, Pardo, Francisco S. MD, Valenzuela, Raul F. MD, Chapman, Paul MD.
Interstitial Irradiation of Brain Tumors, Using a Miniature Radiosurgery Device: Initial Experience. Neurosurgery. 40(3):518-25, 1997.

69. Glantz MJ, Cole BF, Recht L, Akerley W, Mills P, Saris S, Hochberg FH, Calabresi P, Egorin M.
High dose intravenous methotrexate for patients with nonleukemic leptomeningeal cancer: is intrathecal chemotherapy necessary? J Clin Oc. 16(4):1561-67, 1998.

70. Grossman SA, Hochberg FH, Fisher J, Chen TL, Kim L, Gregory R, Grochow LB, Piantadosi S.
Increased 9-aminocamptothecin dose requirements and altered pharmacokinetics in patients on anticonvulsants. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 42(2):118-26, 1998.

71. Enochs WS, Harsh G, Hochberg FH, Weissleder R.
Improved delineation of human brain tumors on MR images using a long-circulating superparamagnetic iron-oxide agent. JMRI 9(2):228-32, 1998.

72. Fitzek MM, Thornton AF, Rabinov JD, Lev M, Pardo FS, Munzenrider JE, Okunieff P, Bussiere M, Braun I, Hochberg FH et. al.
Results of a Phase II study with Proton/Photon Irradiation to 90 Cobalt Gray Equivalent (CGE) in Accelerated Fractionation for Glioblastoma Multiforme. JNS 91(2): 251-60, 1999. Also International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics , Vol. 39; Issue: 2, suppl.1, 1997

73. Ikeda K, Ichikawa T, Wakimoto H, Hochberg FH and Chiocca E.
Oncolytic virus therapy of multiple tumors in the brain requires suppression of innate and elicited antiviral responses. Nature Medicine, 5(8):881-7, 1999.

74. Ostergaard L, Hochberg FH, Rosen BR.
Early changes measured by magnetic resonance imaging in cerebral blood flow, blood volume, and blood-brain barrier permeability following dexamethasone treatment in patients with brain tumors. J Neurosurg 90(2):300-5, 1999.

75. Guha-Thakurta N, Damek D, Pollack C, Hochberg FH.
Intravenous methotrexate as initial treatment for primary central nervous system lymphoma: response to therapy and quality of life of patients. J Neurooncol. 1999, 43(3):259-68.

76. Qureshi NH, Bankiewicz KS, Louis DN, Hochberg FH, Chiocca EA, Harsh GR 4th.
Multicolumn infusion of gene therapy cells into human brain tumors: technical report. Neurosurgery 2000 46(3): 663-8; discussion 668-9.

77. Hochberg F, Grossman SA, Mikkelsen T, Glantz M, Fisher J, Piantadosi S.
Lack of efficacy of 9-aminocamptothecin in adults with newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme and recurrent high-grade astrocytoma Neuro-Oncology 2:29-33, 2000

78. Keda K, Wakimoto H, Ichikawa T, Jhung S, Hochberg FH, Louis DN, Chiocca EA.
Complement depletion facilitates the infection of multiple Brain Tumors by an intravascular, replication –conditional Herpes Simplex virus mutant. J Virol 15:74: 4765-75, 2000

79. Aronen HJ, Pardo FS, Kennedy DN, Belliveau JW, Packard SD, Hsu DW, Hochberg FH, Fischman AJ,. Rosen BR.
High Microvascular Blood Volume is Associated with High Glucose Uptake and Tumor Angiogenesis in Human Gliomas. Clin. Cancer Res 6:2189-2200, 2000

80. Wakimoto H, Ikeda K, Abe T, Ichikawa T, Hochberg F.
The Complement Response Against an Oncolytic Virus is Species Specific in its Activation Pathways. Molecular Therapy 3:275-82, 2002.

81. Tomotsugu Ichikawa, William P. Petros, Susan M. Ludeman, Jim Fangmeier, Fred H. Hochberg, O. Michael Colvin and E. Antonio Chiocca
Intraneoplastic Polymer-based Delivery of Cyclophosphamide for Intratumoral Bioconversion by a Replicating Oncolytic Viral Vector Cancer Research 61, 864-68, 2001

82. Fitzek MM. Thornton AF. Harsh G 4th. Rabinov JD. Munzenrider JE. Lev M. Ancukiewicz M. Bussiere M. Hedley-Whyte ET. Hochberg FH. Pardo FS.
Dose-escalation with proton/photon irradiation for Daumas-Duport lower-grade glioma: results of an institutional phase I/II trial. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 51(1):131-7, 2001

83. Prados MD, Schold Jr. SC, Fine HA, Jaeckle K, Hochberg FH et al.
A Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Phase II Study of RMP-7 in Combination with Carboplatin Administered Intravenously for the Treatment of Recurrent Malignant Glioma. Neuro-Oncology, Volume 5, 2003.

84. N. Shastry Akella, MD, Donald B. Twieg, Thomas Mikkelson, Fred H. Hochberg, Stuart Grossman, Gretchen A. Cloud, L. Burt Nabors.
Assessment of Brain Tumor Angiogenesis Inhibitors Using Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging – Quality and Analysis Results of a Multi-institution Phase I Trial. Jnl. Of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 20:913-922, 2004.

85. Chiocca EA, Abbed KM, Tatter S, Louis DN, Hochberg FH, Barker F, Kracher J Grossman SA, Fisher JD, Carson K, Rosenblum M, Mikkelsen T, Olson J, Markert J, Rosenfeld S, Nabors LB, Brem S, Phuphanich S, Kaplan R, Zwiebel J.
A phase I open-label, dose-escalation, multi-institutional trial of injection with an EIB-Attenuated adenovirus, ONYX-015, into the peritumural region of recurrent malignant gliomas in the adjuvant setting. Mol Ther, 2004.

86. Lawenda BD, Gagne HM, Gierga DP, Niemierko A, Wong WM, Tarbell NJ, Chen GT, Hochberg FH, Loeffler JS.
Permanent alopecia after cranial irradiation: dose-response relationship. Int. J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2004.

87. Baehring J, Henchcliffe C, Ledezma C, Hochberg FH.
Magnetic resonance imaging in intravascular lymphoma. (MS no:JNNP/2003/033662) Jnl. Neuro/ Neurosurgery Psych, 2004.

88. Braaten KM, Betensky RA, de Leval L, Okada Y, Hochberg FH, Louis DN, Harris NL, Batchelor TT.
BCL-6 Expression Predicts Improved Survival in Patients with Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma. Clinical Canc. Research Vol 9:1063-1069, 2003.

89. Michael H. Lev, MD, Yelda Ozsunar, MD, John W. Henson, MD, Amjad A. Rasheed, MD, Glenn D. Barest, MD, Griffith Harsh IV, MD, Markus M. Fitzek, MD, Antonia Chiocca, MD, James D. Rabinov, MD, Andrew N. Csavoy, BS, Bruce R. Rosen, MD PhD, Pamela W. Schaeffer, MD, Fred H. Hochberg, MD, R. Gilberto Gonzalez, MD PhD.
Elevated relative Cerebral Blood Volume of Oligodendrogliomas: A Confounder of Glial Tumor Grading Specificity using Dynamic Spin-Echo MR Susceptibility Mapping. Neuroradiol. 2004 (3):B1]. Ajnr: American Journal of Neuroradiology. 25(2):214-21, 2004

90. Batchelor T, Carson K, O’Neill A, Grossman S, Alavi J, New P, Hochberg FH. Treatment of Primary CNS Lymphoma with Methotrexate and Deferred Radiotherapy: A Report of NABTT 96-07. Jnl. Clin Oncol. 21:1044-49, 2003.

91. Deisboeck TS, Wakimoto H, Nestler U, Louis DN, Sehgal PK, Hochberg F.
Development of a Novel Primate Model for Pre-Clinical Gene Vector Safety Studies. Determining the Effects of Intracerebral HSV-1 Inoculation in the Common Marmoset: A comparative Study. Human Gene Therapy, 2003, Volume 10, Number 15, p. 1225-33.

92. Nestler U, Wakimoto H, Siller-Lopez F, Chakravarti A, Deisboeck TS, Hochberg F.
Enhanced Therapeutic Effect of Adenoviral HSV TK Suicide Gene Therapy Through Combination with Radiation in an Athymic Mouse Glioblastoma. Human Gene Therapy 2003.

93. Blood AJ, Flaherty AW, Choi JK, Hochberg FH, Greve DN, Bonmassar G, Rosen BR Jenkins BG.
Basal ganglia activity remains elevated after movement in focal hand dystonia. Ann Neurol. 2004;55(5):744-8.

94. Nestler U, Wakimoto H, Siller-Lopez F, Aguilar LK, Chakravarti A, Muzikansky A, Stemmer-Rachammimov A, Chiocca EA, Aguilar-Cordova E, Hochberg FH.
The combination of adenoviral HSV TK gene therapy and radiation is effective in athymic mouse glioblastoma xenografts without increasing toxic side effect. J Neurooncol. 2004:67(1-2):177-88.

95. Curry WT Jr, Cosgrove GR, Hochberg FH, Loeffler J, Zervas NT.
Stereotactic interstitial radiosurgery for cerebral metastases. J Neurosurg. 200;103(4):630-5.

96. Mullins ME, Barest GD, Schaefer PW, Hochberg FH, Gonzalez RG, Lev MH.
Radiation necrosis versus glioma recurrence: conventional MR imaging clues to diagnosis. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2005;26(8):1967-72.

97. Lev MH, Ozsunar Y, Henson JW, Rasheed AA, Barest GD, Harsh GR 4th, Fitzek MM, Chiocca EA, Rabinov JD, Csavoy AN, Rosen BR, Hochberg FH, Schaefer PW, Gonzalez RG.
Glial tumor grading and outcome prediction using dynamic spin-echo MR susceptibility mapping compared with conventional contrast-enhanced MR: confounding effect of elevated rCBV of oligodendrogliomas [corrected]. ANR Am J Neuroradiol. 2004;25(2):214-21. Erratum in: AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2004;25(3):B1.

98. Baehring JB, Hochberg FH, Betensky RA, Longtine J, Sklar J.
Immunoglobulin gene rearrangement analysis in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with lymphoproliferative processes. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 247(2):208-16, 2006.

99. Nabors LB, Mikkelsen T, Rosenfeld SS, Hochberg F, Akella NS, Fisher JD, Cloud GA, Zhang YY, Carson K, Wittemer SM, Colevas AD, Grossman SA.
Phase I and correlative biology study of cilengitide in patients with recurrent malignant glioma. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 25(13):1651-7, 2007.

100. Laterra JJ, Grossman SA, Carson KA, Lesser GJ, Hochberg FH, Gilbert MR.
Suramin and radiotherapy in newly diagnosed glioblastoma: phase 2 NABTT CNS Consortium study. Neuro-oncol. 2004;6(1):15-20.

101. David G. Kirsch, Carlos J. Ledezma, Christina S. Mathews, Atul K. Bhan, Marek Ancukiewicz, Fred H. Hochberg, Jay S. Loeffler.
Survival After Brain Metastases From Breast Cancer in the Trastuzumab Era Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 23, No 9 , 2005: pp. 2114-16

102. Baehring JM. Androudi S. Longtine JJ. Betensky RA. Sklar J. Foster CS. Hochberg FH.
Analysis of clonal immunoglobulin heavy chain rearrangements in ocular lymphoma. Cancer. 104(3):591-7, 2005.

103. Akella NS, Twieg DB, Mikkelsen T, Hochberg FH, Grossman S, Cloud GA, Nabors LB.
Assessment of brain tumor angiogenesis inhibitors using perfusion magnetic resonance imaging: quality and analysis results of a phase I trial. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 20(6):913-22, 2004.

104. Nguyen PL. Chakravarti A. Finkelstein DM. Hochberg FH. Batchelor TT. Loeffler JS.
Results of whole-brain radiation as salvage of methotrexate failure for immunocompetent patients with primary CNS lymphoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 23(7):1507-13, 2005.

105. Shah GD. Kesari S. Xu R. Batchelor TT. O’Neill AM. Hochberg FH. Levy B. Bradshaw J. Wen PY.
Comparison of linear and volumetric criteria in assessing tumor response in adult high-grade gliomas. Neuro-Oncology. 8(1):38-46, 2006.

106. Benner T, Wisco JJ, van der Kouwe AJ, Fischl B, Vangel MG, Hochberg FH, Sorensen AG.
Comparison of manual and automatic section positioning of brain MR images. Radiology. 239(1):246-54, 2006.

107. Shah GD. Kesari S. Xu R. Batchelor TT. O’Neill AM. Hochberg FH. Levy B. Bradshaw J. Wen PY.
Comparison of linear and volumetric criteria in assessing tumor response in adult high-grade gliomas. Neuro-Oncology. 8(1):38-46, 2006.

108. Lin NU. Carey LA. Liu MC. Younger J. Come SE. Ewend M. Harris GJ. Bullitt E. Van den Abbeele AD. Henson JW. Li X. Gelman R. Burstein HJ. Kasparian E. Kirsch DG. Crawford A. Hochberg F. Winer EP.
Phase II trial of lapatinib for brain metastases in patients with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive breast cancer.[see comment]. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 26(12):1993-9, 2008.

109. Nabors LB. Mikkelsen T. Rosenfeld SS. Hochberg F. Akella NS. Fisher JD. Cloud GA. Zhang Y. Carson K. Wittemer SM. Colevas AD. Grossman SA.
Phase I and correlative biology study of cilengitide in patients with recurrent malignant glioma.[see comment]. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 25(13):1651-7, 2007.

110. Fulci G. Dmitrieva N. Gianni D. Fontana EJ. Pan X. Lu Y. Kaufman CS. Kaur B. Lawler SE. Lee RJ. Marsh CB. Brat DJ. van Rooijen N. Rachamimov AS. Hochberg FH. Weissleder R. Martuza RL. Chiocca EA.
Depletion of peripheral macrophages and brain microglia increases brain tumor titers of oncolytic viruses. Cancer Research. 67(19):9398-406, 2007.

111. Kurozumi K. Hardcastle J. Thakur R. Yang M. Christoforidis G. Fulci G. Hochberg FH. Weissleder R. Carson W. Chiocca EA. Kaur B.
Effect of tumor microenvironment modulation on the efficacy of oncolytic virus therapy. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 99(23):1768-81, 2007.

112. Sher DJ, Henson JW, Avutu B, Hochberg FH, Batchelor TT, Martuza R, Barker F, Loeffler J, Chakravarti A.
The added value of concurrently administered temozolomide versus adjuvant temozolomide alone in newly diagnosed glioblastoma Journal of Neuro-Oncology 88: 43-50, 2008

113. Fintelmann F, Forghani R,. Schaefer PW, Hochberg EP, Hochberg FH.
Bing-Neel Syndrome Revisited; Clinical Lymphoma & Myeloma, Vol. 9, No. 1, 104-106, 2009

114. Hochberg FH, Rodriguez FJ, Atkinson JL, Shaw EG, Keegan BM, Kantarci OH.
A 54-year-old woman with progressive gait disturbance and MRI abnormalities. Neurology.2009;73:466-474.

115. Pe’er J, Hochberg FH, Foster CS.
Clinical review: treatment of vitreoretinal lymphoma. Ocular immunology and inflammation.2009;17:299-306.

116. Zhu JJ, et al.
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