Other Peer-Reviewed Papers

  1. Hochberg F, DaSilva AB, Galdabini J, Richardson EP Jr.
    Gastrointestinal involvement in von Recklinghausen’s neurofibromatosis. Neurology 24:1144-1151, 1974.

2. Hochberg F, Bean C, Fisher CM and Roberson GH.
Stroke in a fifteen year old girl secondary to terminal carotid dissection. Neurology 25:725-729, 1975.

3. Kopp N, Hochberg F and Richardson EP Jr.
La myelitie necrotique subaigue. De Foix et Alajouanine. A propos d`une observation anatomoclinique. Lyon Medical 234 (18):519-527, 1975.

4. Hochberg F, Linggood R, Wolfson L, Baker W and Kornblith P.
Quality and Duration of survival in glioblastoma multiforme. JAMA 241:1016-1018, 1979.

5. Beal MD, Kleinman GM, Ojemann RG and Hochberg F.
Gangliocytoma of third ventricle: Hyperphagia, somnolence, and dementia. Neurology 31: 1224-1228, 1981.

6. Kleinman GM, Hochberg F, Richardson EP Jr.
Systemic metastases from medulloblastoma: Report of two cases and review of the literature. Cancer 48:2296-2309, 1981.

7. Beal F, Richardson EP Jr, Brandsetter R, Hedley-Whyte ET and Hochberg F.
Localized brainstem ischemic damage and Ondine’s curse after near drowning. Neurology 33:717-721, 1983.

8. Greenberg DB, Hochberg F and Murray GB.
The theme of death in complex partial seizures. Am J Psych 141(12):1587-1589, 1984.

9. Safdari H, Hochberg FH and Richardson EP Jr.
Prognostic Value of Round Cell (Lymphocyte) Infiltration in Malignant Gliomas. Surg. Neurol 23:221-226, 1985.

10. Jennings M, Gelman R and Hochberg F.
Intracranial germ-cell tumors: National history and Pathogenesis. J. Neurosurg. 63:155-167, 1985.

11. Busis NA and Hochberg FH.
Familial Syringomylia. J Neuro, Neurosurg, Psychiatry 48(9) 936-938, 1985.

12. Mechanick JI, Hochberg F and LaRocque A.
Hypothalamic Dysfunction following whole brain irradiation: An early marker of radiation toxicity. J. Neurosurg 65:490-494, 1986.

13. Rosenberg NL, Hochberg F, Miller G and Kleinschmidt-Demasters BK.
Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma-Related to Epstein-Barr Virus in a Patient with AIDS. Ann. Neurology 20:98-102, 1986.

14. Merriman L, Newmark J, Hochberg F, Shahani B and Leffert R.
A Focal Movement Disorder of the Hand in Six Pianists. Medical Problems of Performing Artists. 1(1):17-19, 1986.

15. Hochberg F.
A 64 Year Old Man with Gait Disorder and Exophthalmus, (Epidural Lymphoma) CPC. NEJM 315(22):1401-1409, 1986.

16. Newmark J and Hochberg F.
“Doctor, It Hurts When I Play:” Painful Disorders Among Instrumental Musicians. Medical Problems of Performing Artists. Hanley and Belfus, Inc. 2(3):93-97, (Sept) 1987.

17. Griffith JL and Hochberg FH.
Anorexia and Weight Loss in Glioma Patients. Case Reports. Psychosomatics 29(3):335-337, 1988.

18. Heros DO and Hochberg FH.
Treatment of esthesioneuroblastoma with chemotherapy. A report of two cases. J Neuro-oncol.6:141-145, 1988

19. Louis D and Hochberg FH.
Cerebral primitive neuroectodermal tumor in an adult, with spinal cord metastasis after 18-year dormancy. Jnl. Neuro-Oncol. 9:77-80, 1990.

20. Gruber ML and Hochberg FH.
Visual Scotomata Resulting from Lupus Anticoagulant in a Patient with Lymphoma in Remission. Jnl. Neuro-Oncol. 11:77-79, 1991.

21. Leifer D and Hochberg FH.
Post-Traumatic Pontine Truncal Sensory Level. Arch. Neurology 48:1216, 1991.

22. Glass J, Hochberg FH and Miller DC.
Intravascular Lymphomatosis. Cancer 71:3156-3164, 1993

23. Miller DC, Hochberg FH, Harris NL, Gruber ML, Louis DN and Cohen H.
Pathology with Clinical Correlations of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma – The Massachusetts General Hospital Experience (1958-1989). Cancer 74:1383-1397, 1994.

24. Batchelor TT, Platten M, Palmer-Troy DE, Hunter GJ, Lev MH, Dalmar J, Hochberg FH.
Chorea as a paraneoplastic complication of Hodgkin’s disease. J Clin Onc. 36: 185-190, 1998.

25. Bakshi R, Glass J, Louis DN, Hochberg FH.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features of Solitary Inflammatory Brain Masses. Journal of Neuroimaging 8:8-14, 1998.

26. Nierenberg DW, Nordgren RE, Chang MB, Siegler RW, Blayney MB, Hochberg FH, Clarkson T.
Delayed Cerebellar Disease and Death Resulting from Accidental Exposure to Dimethylmercury, NEJM 338:1672-1676, 1998.

27. Brecher K, Hochberg FH, Louis DN.
Case report of unusual leukoencephalopathy preceding primary central nervous system lymphoma. JNNP, 65(6): 917-20, 1998.

28. Batchelor TT, Platten M and Hochberg FH.
Immunoadsorption therapy for paraneoplastic syndromes. J Neuro-Oncology 40: 131-136, 1998.

29. Das A, Hochberg FH, McNellis S.
A review of the therapy of paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes. Jnl. Neuro-onc 41(2):181-194, 1999.

30. Akpek EK, Ahmed I, Jakobiec FA, Hochberg FH, Soheilian M, Foster CS.
Predictors and Diagnosis of Central Nervous System Involvement in Primary Intraocular Lymphoma. Ophthalmology 106(9): 1805-10, 1999.

31. Wick W. Hochberg F. O’Sullivan J. Goessling A. Hughes A. Cher L.
L-dopa-resistant parkinsonism syndrome following cerebral radiation therapy for neoplasm. Oncology Reports. 7(6):1367-70, 2000.

32. Litofsky, N. Scott M.D., Farace, Elana Ph.D., Anderson, Frederick Jr. Ph.D., Meyers, Christina A. Ph.D., Huang, Wei M.S., Laws, Edward R. Jr. M.D.
Glioma Outcomes Project Investigators. Depression in Patients with High-grade Glioma: Results of the Glioma Outcomes Project. Neurosurgery. 54(2):358-367, 2004

33. Plotkin SR, Betensky RA, Hochberg FH, Grossman SA, Lesser GJ, Nabors LB, Chon B, Batchelor TT.
Treatment of relapsed central nervous system lymphoma with high-dose methotrexate. Clin Cancer Res. 2004, 1;10(17):5643-6.

34. Tabatabai G, Baehring J, Hochberg FH.
Primary Amyloidoma of the Brain Parenchyma. Archives Neurology: 62:477-80, 2005

35. Behbehani RS. Vacarezza N. Sergott RC. Bilyk JR. Hochberg F. Savino PJ.
Isolated optic nerve lymphoma diagnosed by optic nerve biopsy. American Journal of Ophthalmology. 139(6):1128-30, 2005, 166.

36. Baehring JM. Henchcliffe C. Ledezma CJ. Fulbright R. Hochberg FH.
Intravascular lymphoma: magnetic resonance imaging correlates of disease dynamics within the central nervous system. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry. 76(4):540-4, 2005

37. Krivickas LS, Hochberg FH, Freeman S.
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy with tumefactive central demyelination. Muscle Nerve. 2005, 5;33(2):283-288

38. Stern BV. Baehring JM. Kleopa KA. Hochberg FH.
Multifocal motor neuropathy with conduction block associated with metastatic lymphoma of the nervous system. Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 78(1):81-4, 2006.

39. Lee JW. Houtchens M. Hochberg F. Price B. M L. Cunnane M. Pfannl R. MacCollin M.
Glioblastoma multiforme presenting as bilateral internal auditory canal tumors. Journal of Neurology. 253(4):522-4, 2006.

40. Voloschin AD. Betensky R. Wen PY. Hochberg F. Batchelor T.
Topotecan as salvage therapy for relapsed or refractory primary central nervous system lymphoma. Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 86(2):211-5, 2008.

41. Kenneth W. Witwer, Edit I. Buzás, Lynne T. Bemis, Adriana Bora, Cecilia Lässer, Jan Lötvall, Esther N. Nolte-‘t Hoen, Melissa G. Piper, Sarada Sivaraman, Johan Skog, Clotilde Théry, Marca H. Wauben, Fred Hochberg.
Standardization of sample collection, isolation and analysis methods in extracellular vesicle research.

42. Rennert R, Hochberg FH, Carter B.
ExRNA in Biofluids as Biomarkers for Brain Tumors”, accepted to Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 2015

43. Quinn JF, Hochberg FH, et al.
Extracellular RNAs: development as biomarkers of human disease. JEV August 2015

44. William E. Butler, Nadia Atai, Bob Carter, Fred Hochberg.
Informatic system for a global tissue-fluid biorepository with a graph theory-oriented graphical user interface. JEV Vol 3, 2014